Well today is definitely going to be a day of firsts. I have created my first ever blog page using this link:
It's pretty exciting as I feel like I have a new found freedom to express my thoughts and opinions (and believe me, I have many). I had a great time accessing this site and customising my profile to look special. This was something that I found quite simple, as the site appears pretty easy to navigate around and formatting is very standard. I chose to create my blog on a blogger site rather than a Wiki due to the issues I've been having with the Wikis site in the last few weeks completing my WebQuest. It was comforting to learn from classmates that taking the 'blog spot' approch should be easier for me to master.
In today's workshop we will be learning about different ICT programs useful in primary schools. This should prove to be very beneficial for me as ICT knowledge and skills have never been assets of mine.
Let the learning begin... :)
Just to bring everyone up to speed, we have just been playing around with MS Paint and Inspiration. I have to admit, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to keep up with everyone.
We created a concept map using Inspiration which I have never used before but really enjoyed as it was very simple. All you need to do is select the map design you wish to create, then click on the arrow icons to create the arms extending from the inital concept. Then you insert text/ picture boxes and either write in concepts, or use pictures from the lists available to demonstrate the concepts visually.
I found creating the concept map using this program to be pretty fun. I think the Inspiration program is ace and will definitely consider using it in schools as concept and mind maps are common activities in the classroom, especially when going through the Tuning In phase of an inquiry unit. Students could use this program to create an easy-to-read presenatation of the concepts in question.
I created my own concept map based on the topic of becomning a teacher. As you can see, this is my super duper concept map.
And down here is my wicked mind map which I also created using Inspriation which was just as easy, and used the same icons as the concept maps design icons.
My mind map is based upon the topic of weather/ seasons. As you can see, the concepts branch off into sub-catergories. This would be a great design to use when brainstorming a concept such as Indigenous Australians as categories can branch off into various smaller concepts such as Music, Dreamtime, Hunting/Gathering, Tribes/ Dialects etc.
Well clearly I have areas for improvement, but I think so far I am doing a great job of using these programs.
I really had no idea this Inspiration program even existed and am really happy to have discovered it now... Thanks Greg!! I believe this program will benefit students in a range of subject areas and ehance their skills and knowlege in all these learning areas, whilst at the same time, students can grasp better techniques to use ICT.