Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Let's Play!!

So here we are in class learning something I thought I never would... or could for that matter- How to create an online game!!

This is turning out to me fun. We need to create a new QUIZ using our new QUIA account. The website html link for this site is as follows:

To sign up, we just needed to register using our names and details as well as why we require the use of the site. After resistering, we clicked onto Create a quiz.

From here comes the tough part... What is my quiz going to be about?

So my passion in life is definitely my football team.. therefore this is my quiz i created based on my beloved Hawthorn Hawks Footy Club. However, the great thing about this site, is that you can select any topic you wish, therefore, it is easy to make it relevent to the class you are teaching. Eg. If I was teaching a unit on space for example, I could create a quiz on this particular topic and students could complete the quiz. This would challenge and enhance their own knowledge of the subject area, as well as provide a task which is fun and stimulating as well as further helping them develop compter skills and Internet navigation techniques.

I really enjoyed this using this program. I also enjoyed completing my peers quizzes.

Greg, I challenge you to click on this URL and complete my sweet quiz!!


Games, like quizzes, are another fun and interactive taks students can compete using this site to enahnce knowledge and skills.
Now I have just created my very own Hangman Game using this website.

(and yes I did stick with the theme of my beloved football team).

Test your skills on my game... Good luck!!


Hangman, is a fantastic game to play in the classroom, especially in relation to the development of literacy/ spelling skills. These sorts of games could be used for just about any subject area that a generalist primary teacher would teach in the classroom.

I had a really good time going around and checking out my classmates' games as well. This is a fantastic resource to have, and I would definitely use this program in a classroom as it is so easy to use and online games are a fun and effective way for students to learn.

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